Cato offers the world’s first SASE platform that combines SD-WAN and network security in a global cloud-native service.

Cato is the first implementation of Gartner’s secure access service edge (SASE) framework that identified a global, cloud-native architecture as the way to provide secure, optimized access to all users and applications. With Cato, companies move from traditional networks characterized by specific solutions and expensive MPLS services to modern, global, secure, agile and cost-effective networks.

Cato Cloud connects all enterprise network resources, such as branch locations, mobile workforces, and physical and cloud data centers, providing a global, secure, and controlled SD-WAN service. With all WAN and Internet traffic consolidated in the cloud, Cato offers a suite of security services to protect all traffic at all times.

Cato offers a suite of managed services depending on the management model that best meets the customer’s needs. In all cases Cato takes care of the maintenance of the underlying platform, freeing customers from the associated costs and difficulties in scaling, updating and managing the network and security infrastructure.


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