Network traffic visibility, optimization and security.

Allot is a leading provider of innovative security an network intelligence solutions, that enable communications service providers (CSPs) and enterprises worldwide to improve the value they deliver to their customers by supporting IT teams in monitoring, classifying, optimising, prioritising and securing the traffic that crosses the enterprise networks, for the maximum quality of experience (QoE) delivered to the users.

Allot solutions turn network, application, usage and security data into actionable intelligence that make customers’ networks smarter and their users more secure.

Le soluzioni Allot trasformano i dati relativi alla rete, alle applicazioni, all’utilizzo e alla sicurezza in informazioni utili per rendere le reti dei clienti più intelligenti e i loro utenti più sicuri.

Allot Smart solutions, based on inline DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) technology, offer the ability to view, classify and optimise network traffic for maximum end-user QoE.

Allot Smart solutions, based on inline DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) technology, offer the ability to view, classify and optimise network traffic for maximum end-user QoE.

Allot Smart provides traffic intelligence solutions to protect companies’ productivity and reputation through prioritisation and a consistently excellent QoE. Using Allot Smart, many customers have reduced access bandwidth costs by 10%, have been able to defer capacity expansions by 1-2 years, and have reduced profit losses by 15%.


The Allot Secure network-based security platform revolutionises the security industry by positioning CSPs as leading Security-as-a-Service providers. Built for the SMB and consumer markets, the solution offers 360-degree security, including protection from DDoS attacks, through a zero-touch native network approach.

Allot Secure supports mobile, fixed and converged networks to offer protection anywhere, on any device and against any threat, generating additional revenues of 10-15% on top of pure connectivity sales.


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